Advancing nursing science to build a healthier world

The UConn School of Nursing PhD Program in Nursing prepares nurses who promote health for all people through nursing science.

The faculty of the PhD Program in Nursing at the University of Connecticut (UConn) have a long-standing commitment to advancing the discipline of nursing through research and theory that promotes health among individuals, families, groups and communities across the lifespan and states of health.

The School of Nursing attracts top PhD students who work closely with leading faculty on research in a variety of specialty areas. Faculty research interests span areas such as health equity; symptoms, including pain and sleep disturbance; maternal child health; and support for diverse individuals, families, and communities with acute and chronic conditions from neonates through older adults. Our programs of research integrate behavioral and biological processes and address mechanistic questions as well as health-promoting interventions.

A PhD in Nursing prepares you to conduct research and to assume positions in a variety of settings. These may include faculty positions in university settings and leadership roles in academe, industry, clinical settings, and the government, to name just a few.

Graduates of the UConn PhD Program in Nursing routinely obtain competitive postdoctoral positions at prestigious universities and receive generous funding through the National Institutes of Health and other sources.

As a student in the UConn PhD Program in Nursing, you will join a diverse community of nurses and interdisciplinary peers, faculty mentors, and practitioners that will change your views, accelerate your career, and promote collaborative work over a lifetime.

The PhD Program in Nursing offers entry to applicants with a bachelor's degree in nursing (BS to PhD) or a master’s degree in nursing (Post-master’s to PhD). The PhD Admissions Committee evaluates candidates’ qualifications and the fit of their research interests with graduate faculty PhD mentors. Successful applicants must meet application criteria, have relevant experience, and clearly express research interests compatible with research faculty in the School of Nursing and/or affiliated faculty.

Please use the inquiry form on the right hand side of this page to contact us with any questions!

Application deadline for Fall 2026 is December 1, 2025. 

Days Until App Deadline
Ends On December 1, 2025

Application deadline for Fall 2026 is December 1, 2025.

Request Information


What Are They Saying?

Olga-Jarrin, UConn PhD in Nursing

Faculty, Rutgers University

“As a triple graduate of UConn School of Nursing I have been well prepared at each stage of my career, from working as a visiting nurse to leading an interdisciplinary research team on projects to improve... READ MORE

Mallory Perry-Eaddy (’2019)
Faculty, University of Connecticut

“The UConn SON BS-PhD program has been pivotal to my development as a nurse scientist. My education has provided me with a strong foundation in clinical inquiry..."  READ MORE